Saturday, August 18, 2007

Worst Two Years of My Life

The class I was in throughout elementary school was super-small - 15 students. The smallest in the district. So I didn't have much of a problem with the other students; we all knew one another and we were all friends. Middle school changed everything - for the worse.

Right from the start I realized it wasn't going to be easy making friends, and it had nothing at all to do with my speech impediment. It was my obsession with Hanson, which I look back on as being a mixture of pitiful and comical. I wore a Hanson t-shirt everyday, and since by that time they were no longer cool, I was the target for a lot of ridicule. Eventually I caught on and bought some new clothes, but I still didn't have many friends. The other students had decided that I was just too weird.

When I stopped wearing the t-shirts everyday, people stopped teasing me about it. But I guess they felt bad for ignoring me because they started on my speech. My voice was constantly likened to one girl's four-year-old sister, and I quickly got used to people mocking me in fake lisps.

In the middle of seventh grade, however, I did make one friend, who remained my best friend until high school. Between her and the two friends I had remained with since elementary school, I did have someone to talk to, but I still felt like an outcast, especially since none of their other friends approved of me. So I got left out of group outings a lot.

Everything changed when we started high school. I guess it was because some of my peers had matured, or maybe they just got bored with me and started looking for someone new. I wasn't particularly fond of high school, but it was a hell of a lot better than jr. high. I just hope college works out all right.


Perpetual Beginner said...

No specific comment - I'm just letting you know I'm reading. My younger son (now 7) has a speech impediment. We're still not sure how his speech will sound when his adult teeth come in (some of his problems come from damaged front teeth). Good to see you here.

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